NBC's political drama "The West Wing," which briefly made bureaucrats hip and won four Emmy awards for best drama, will end this spring with the inauguration of a new fictional president.They do comment on the impact of the untimely passing of John Spencer, the Democratic Veep Candidate on the series:
NBC announced the series' conclusion after seven seasons on Sunday. In the end, it fell victim to television's democratic process: sinking ratings, particularly after this season's move to Sunday nights.
The decision to cancel it was made before actor John Spencer, who played former presidential chief of staff Leo McGarry, died of a heart attack Dec. 16, said Kevin Reilly, NBC entertainment president.It will be an interesting ride to the end, but The End, is what it will be.
Although "The West Wing" briefly considered calling it quits after Spencer's death, or remaking episodes featuring him that were filmed but not yet aired, Wells said the producers ultimately decided to use the late actor's work.
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