It was hard enough just saying that.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
via Time:
'You know something is wrong when the New England Patriots face stiffer penalties for spying on innocent Americans than Dick Cheney and George Bush.'
BILL RICHARDSON, Governor of New Mexico and Democratic presidential candidate, using the New England Patriots spying scandal to take a swipe at President Bush
Friday, September 28, 2007
Bridge of the Week
The Cream of the Minnesota Monitor staff, Andy Birkey, looks at this week's "Bridge Fix of the Week", the Lafayette Bridge:
The Highway 52 bridge, also called the Lafayette Bridge, crosses the Mississippi River just south of Interstate 94 and connects downtown St. Paul with the city's west side neighborhood. Built in 1968, the four-lane bridge is 3,369 feet long. Each day, it supports an average of 81,000 trips over its structure. The bridge has a deck rating of five (out of nine), a superstructure rating of four, and substructure rating of seven, with a combined sufficiency rating of 49.5 percent. It has been evaluated as "Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left as is." The bridge is also rated "fracture critical," which means that the bridge has the type of structure that if one support should give way, the whole bridge could collapse. The Interstate 35W bridge that collapsed into the Mississippi was rated 50 percent.He than points us to this story in the STRIB:
The bridge's history includes a temporary shutdown in 1975 -- less than a decade after it opened in 1968 -- when a crack "large enough to put your arm into" was discovered in the bridge's main beam after someone noticed a 7-inch dip in the roadway, according to a newspaper report. That fracture in the southbound lane nearly resulted "in [the] collapse of the bridge," a 2006 inspection report noted. The damaged component was jacked back into place and reinforced with bolted plates, the report said.Read Andy for the set up, and the STRIB for some reality. Then call your legislator!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Ahmadinejad's World
This guy is a full blown kook:
Maybe there is something to be said about polar opposites sharing the world stage. But this guy is in a dream world:
"For hundreds of years, we've lived in friendship and brotherhood with the people of Iraq," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told the National Press Club yesterday.I watched his interview on 60 minutes, and between the cheesy perma smirk on his face, to his inability to answer a yes or now question, was a ideological focus so narrow. And today he shares the UN stage with our President.
That's true -- as long as you don't count the little unpleasantness of the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, when a million people died, some by poison gas. And you'd also have to overlook 500 years of fighting during the Ottoman Empire.
Maybe there is something to be said about polar opposites sharing the world stage. But this guy is in a dream world:
The man who recently hosted a convention for Holocaust deniers also treated listeners to his thoughts on the truth. "Lies have nothing to do with the divine spirit of mankind," he asserted.Today he will spin some new tales of fiction at the UN. I'll read about it in the paper!
Then the lies began.
Zremski inquired about the Amnesty International report finding flogging and imprisonment of journalists and at least 11 Iranian newspapers closed. "I think people who prepared the report are unaware of the situation in Iran," the president answered. "I think the people who give this information should seek what is the truth and, sort of, disseminate what's correct."
Zremski then raised the specific cases of two Kurdish journalists who have been sentenced to death for enmity toward God.
"This news is fundamentally wrong," Ahmadinejad replied. "What journalist has been sentenced to death?"
Zremski supplied the names of Kurdish journalists Adnan Hassanpour and Hiva Boutimar, sentenced July 16. "I don't know people by that name," the president retorted. "You have to, sort of, rectify the information channel."
Monday, September 24, 2007
Posthumous Birthday
via SitD:
Smith would have been 38 today. Happy Birthday Soldier!

Smith won the Congressional Medal of Honor the same way all CMoH winners have; by committing an act of immense heroism “above and beyond the call of duty” - in other words, something that no reasonable person would expect a soldier to do.
Smith would have been 38 today. Happy Birthday Soldier!
Rudy's Reversal
As we get deeper into the '08 Presidential election, the dilemma of dealing with terrorism is back. Is it a Military issue, or a law enforcement one? Today Rudy says it is military:
I may not like Gov. Bill Richardson's position on the war, but I do know where he stands on the issue, and it has been unwavering. Just like his position on the other issues. Rudy is the one candidate on the Right that I can consider, but he'll first have to sell me on who he really is, and that may be a tough job considering the ideological roller coaster he's been riding this campaign.
The former New York City mayor exhorts America to fight back in what he calls the "terrorists' war on us" and accuses Democrats of reverting to their "denial" in the 1990s, when, he said, President Bill Clinton erred by treating terrorism as a law enforcement matter, not a war.but he always treated it like a criminal one.
Democrats, he said in July, have "the same bad judgment they had in the 1990s. They don't see the threat. They don't accept the threat."
for most of Giuliani's career as a Department of Justice official, prosecutor and New York's chief executive, terrorism was a narrow aspect of his broader crime-fighting agenda, which was dominated by drug dealers, white-collar criminals and the Mafia. Giuliani expressed confidence that Islamic extremism could be contained through vigorous investigation by law enforcement agencies and prosecution in the court system -- the same approach he now condemns.Remember, the world does not change based on who chooses to become a candidate, but the candidate can certainly change based on what they need to do to appease their base and resonate with the electorate. Problem is, you may not know who you end up with if the candidate is spending too much time trying to make everyone else happy, instead of being themselves.
His public warnings about the threat were infrequent. To the extent that he mentioned terrorism in his aborted run for the Senate in 2000, for example, it was to call for more spending on intelligence. Even in the weeks after Sept. 11, he framed the attacks in the language of crime, describing the hijackers as "insane murderers" and calling for restoration of the "rule of law."
I may not like Gov. Bill Richardson's position on the war, but I do know where he stands on the issue, and it has been unwavering. Just like his position on the other issues. Rudy is the one candidate on the Right that I can consider, but he'll first have to sell me on who he really is, and that may be a tough job considering the ideological roller coaster he's been riding this campaign.
What It Takes to Be a Republican
In a thread on MN-Pol, much debate is taking place on the best 3rd district candidate. As is the case many times, ideological cherry picking is taking over. Andy tries to reel them in
First, you have to care that 50 million people are without health care. You have to care that US infant mortality rates exceed those of any other industrialized countries and that those mortality rates are climbing. You have to care that the health care system in this country contains more waste than any other system.And then he defines a Republican:
If you don't care about those things, you must convince yourself that we have the finest medical system in the world, mostly for one reason: the payment will stay in private hands despite the fact that 30% of every health care dollar spent goes to insurance and medical provider administration and private profits instead of to health care provision. You must believe that this top-heavy system that deprives some 15%-20% of its citizens of adequate preventive care and that the costs of that go through the ceiling because the uninsured use the emergency care system as their regular primary provider.He could have left the name call jab at the end, off. But the greater point is how much nonsense the Right has to buy into to defend their ideology. The greatest difference I see between the Right and Left, is Dems are committed to making decisions today, that will best help us tomorrow. The Right is only worried about the now and hope tomorrow will take care of itself.
You must believe that, no matter how bad it really is, that no other country provides the quality of care the US does, despite statistics that prove otherwise like the highest rates of hospital and surgical errors and deaths in the world.
Finally, you must believe that your democratic government is not yours but someone elses out to pick your pocket not with wars that cost you 50 times what adequate health care would save every day, but with money spent on those people you consider leeches on society.
The right that I know does not care. If you don't care, you're unmoved by such statistics as all of these and more. You would rather spend more and more and more on making war in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and in the streets of New York City than in keeping everyone healthy and productive for far less.
You would have to care, and many too many rightwingers do not to their everlasting stupidity.
Andy Driscoll
St. Paul
Truth To Tell
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
MN Mon Reporter Eric Black has the goods:
Hubert H. (Buck) Humphrey, who has been widely identified as a likely frontrunner in the race for the DFL nomination for the open congressional seat in the Third District has decided not to run.
"I will verify that," Humphrey just told me when I called him to check out the rumor I had heard.
The Fix ranks MN #8
Tha WaPo's "The Fix", written by Chris Cillizza, was dropped the MN Senate race another notch, to #8:
At 'The Fix' criteria is simple:
1. Virginia (R)
2. New Hampshire (R)
3. Colorado (R)
4. Louisiana (D)
5. Oregon (R)
8. Minnesota (R): The first time we ranked the 2008 Senate races earlier this year, Minnesota came in at number two. So why has it dropped all the way to eighth over the intervening six months? A combination of factors including a number of other seats across the country that have grown more vulnerable during that time, the growing sense that Coleman is positioning himself as well as he can on the war in Iraq and the continued lack of faith in some quarters of the Democratic party that either 2000 candidate Mike Ciresi or comedian Al Franken can oust the incumbent. After a trip to Iraq earlier this month, Coleman jumped behind a proposal by Sen. John Warner (R-Va.) that calls for a modest troop withdrawal by the end of the year but enforces no hard timetable for the withdrawal of all American troops. Will that position be enough to satisfy Minnesota voters? (Previous ranking: 7)Hard to argue the moderate positioning of Coleman. This maneuvering isn't without it's awkward moments, but this polished politician will wiggle his way out of that with ease. Although highly unlikely at this point, I haven't ruled out a vote for Norm. It all depends on who else is on the ballot.
At 'The Fix' criteria is simple:
the number one ranked race is the most likely to switch parties -- and, yes, we do have a new number one this month. Scroll down to see which race it is and, while you're there, offer your own thoughts in the comments section.Here are the races currently in the Top Five:
1. Virginia (R)
2. New Hampshire (R)
3. Colorado (R)
4. Louisiana (D)
5. Oregon (R)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
3rd District Dark Horse
Along with the notables that have been mentioned over the last couple days, is a potential dark horse in the 3rd district race. Mike Rothman announced his interest at a 3rd CD meeting last night. Rothman has ties to the district after having been involved in local legislative campaigns before marrying and moving to California. He has been back in the district for a couple years now.
Mike Rothman, a name to watch as this race evolves.
Mike Rothman, a name to watch as this race evolves.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Battle for the Third
MNPublius has the skinny on potential candidates from the Left.
The likely front runner, Andy Lugar is probably in. Lugar ran a tough campaign with a challenge from Experienced prosecutor Mike Freeman. The DFL endorsement for Lugar wasn't enough to cancel out the name recognition and the delayed incumbency of a Freeman Candidacy. But this also means that Lugar has an infrastructure on idle, and ready to run.
Most notably out is Former Congressman Bill Luther. The district encompasses much of Bill's old State legislative stomping grounds, and I wouldn't have been shocked if he had an interest, yet not surprised he doesn't.
And finally, probably in with a hope by many that he reconsiders, is Buck Humphrey. Sorry, Buck, but you will be in the shadows of your family for life. There was a time I was a stalwart supporter, but at this point I think you have had your chance. But I am not in the 3rd, so it is not up to me to decide. However, it appears I am not alone, as this popped up pretty quick:
The Buck Stops Here
In their first post:
The likely front runner, Andy Lugar is probably in. Lugar ran a tough campaign with a challenge from Experienced prosecutor Mike Freeman. The DFL endorsement for Lugar wasn't enough to cancel out the name recognition and the delayed incumbency of a Freeman Candidacy. But this also means that Lugar has an infrastructure on idle, and ready to run.
Most notably out is Former Congressman Bill Luther. The district encompasses much of Bill's old State legislative stomping grounds, and I wouldn't have been shocked if he had an interest, yet not surprised he doesn't.
And finally, probably in with a hope by many that he reconsiders, is Buck Humphrey. Sorry, Buck, but you will be in the shadows of your family for life. There was a time I was a stalwart supporter, but at this point I think you have had your chance. But I am not in the 3rd, so it is not up to me to decide. However, it appears I am not alone, as this popped up pretty quick:
The Buck Stops Here
In their first post:
According to published reports, 2002 campaign loser and DFL "legacy" candidate Buck Humphrey is considering a run for Minnesota's third congressional district. Now, local political bloggers are saying Buck Humphrey is in the race. Some are even reporting that the Washington DC-based Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has already spoken with Buck regarding this race.So a notable in, a notable out, and a non starter. And it's only September . . . . '07!
The fact is, nobody outside of the Democratic Party establishment is behind a Humphrey candidacy.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Iraqi Ponder
From the comments:
"if people have time to demonstrate, and others have time to bitch about peace demonstrations, how serious can people's perception of the dangers we supposedly face really be?"Interesting perspective . . .Thoughts?
If the terrorists were winning, we'd be one heck of a lot more united than we are today.
Feel the Love
Congressman Ramstad is retiring. I saw him most recently at his spiel at the Humphrey Center:
From DFL Chair Brian Melendez:
All of us need to be reminded of HHH's guiding principle: The moral test of government is how we treat those in the dawn of life, the children, the twilight of light, the elderly, and the shadow of life, the sick and needy.Ramstad caught many of us off guard with his announcement, but in a show of support, several on the Left showered him with good wishes. Something the MNGOP struggles with on a regular basis.
From DFL Chair Brian Melendez:
In an era of increasingly divisive politics, Congressman Ramstad has consistently worked across the aisle to get things done for Minnesota. As DFLers, we appreciated his personal friendship with the late Senator Paul Wellstone and Sheila Wellstone. In addition, all Minnesotans can be grateful for Representative Ramstad’s relentless advocacy with regard to alcoholism and addiction issues and his tireless work for mental-health parity. In these fields, he leaves an important legacy.and Sen. Klobuchar:
Jim Ramstad is a person of great integrity, who always does what he thinks is right for his constituents rather than simply following the party line. He fostered a spirit of bi-partisanship in Minnesota and in Washington. Jim is an exemplary public servant, and he will be missed in the halls of Congress.even Al Franken:
There weren't enough Jim Ramstads in Congress even before today's announcement.Respect for our adversaries is a sign of a strong republic. The Right could take a lesson from that.
"Jim's political courage and principled leadership, especially on mental health parity, have served as an example for those of us who believe we should lead on our values, not our party affiliation.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Hate Takes a Break
Leading up to last years' elections, and ever since, the local Right Wing Blogoshpere has turned deep into Hatesville. Their brain stem only survival instinct has effected their ability to actually have a dialog with those they disagree with. Nowhere is this more evident that on Shot in the Dark, a site that used to be the best in Blogging and one of the reason I sparked up this little ole site.
Saturday was a counter protest to the Peace March held at the Cathedral and marching down through St. Paul. I would have gone, as I support the need to defeat Islamic extremism and those that mean only to destroy what America is all about. But I don't think those that disagree with me hate America, as video shows the likes of Swiftee believing. I couldn't bring myself to associate with that type of dissent.
But buried in a Right Wing report of the event is a glimmer of hope, and understanding if you will. Someone on the other side actually had a level of respect for the opposition. Lets read Kermit at Anti Strib:
Saturday was a counter protest to the Peace March held at the Cathedral and marching down through St. Paul. I would have gone, as I support the need to defeat Islamic extremism and those that mean only to destroy what America is all about. But I don't think those that disagree with me hate America, as video shows the likes of Swiftee believing. I couldn't bring myself to associate with that type of dissent.
But buried in a Right Wing report of the event is a glimmer of hope, and understanding if you will. Someone on the other side actually had a level of respect for the opposition. Lets read Kermit at Anti Strib:
Final observation. These folks were generally civil, obviously sincere, and care a great deal about the direction of this country. As am I. As were the people standing shoulder to shoulder with me. We get to do that here. Disagree without killing each other.It's a baby step, but it is a start. If we can't come together and find a solution to the issues in Iraq, how can we expect the Iraqi's to do the same.
Friday, September 14, 2007
So here we are, almost 9 months after the announcement of the 'Surge' and no closer to resolving the issues in Iraq. Sure, we heard the phrase 'maintain security gains' several times last night, but no real plan to transition successfully from a military mission to a diplomatic one. The closest the President got to saying what I wanted to hear was:
What I heard was rhetoric, not results. What was said was more pandering than proven progress. I am disappointed int he inability of this chief executive to just be honest with us. Because this is a battle we can not lose, and as long as the priority is more personal political protection, instead of national security protection, we are in trouble.
But before you start screaming 'liberal', I am as disappointed in the Democratic response. It became even more clear that as we approach the Presidential campaign season, the lines are being drawn thick and dark. The chasm between the two parties is greater than its ever been. And I sit here knowing that until both parties can put personal political gains aside, and place the security interests of this country, and victory in Iraq first and foremost, troops will be in the region indefinitely.
I am certainly not expecting a Kum Ba Yah moment, but I do hope that the two major parties can disengage for a moment and look at what needs to be done together. I don't think a full scale withdrawal is practical, or even appropriate. I also don't believe we need to have over 130,000 sets of boots on the ground in Iraq knowing there are other priorities that need to be addressed that more close relate to maintaining security here at home.
But look at the the irony of the situation. If we, together, as Americans, be it Left, Right, and/or Center can't seem to sit at the same table and develop a plan for victory and success together; how are we suppose to expect the Iraqi's to do the same.
But that's just me!
Our troops in Iraq are performing brilliantly. Along with Iraqi forces, they have captured or killed an average of more than 1,500 enemy fighters per month since January. Yet ultimately, the way forward depends on the ability of Iraqis to maintain security gains. According to General Petraeus and a panel chaired by retired General Jim Jones, the Iraqi army is becoming more capable -- although there is still a great deal of work to be done to improve the national police. Iraqi forces are receiving increased cooperation from local populations. And this is improving their ability to hold areas that have been cleared.But there was no outright exclamation regarding turning over Iraqi security. Remember, in January, during the Surge sell speech, the President stated:
Because of this success, General Petraeus believes we have now reached the point where we can maintain our security gains with fewer American forces. He has recommended that we not replace about 2,200 Marines scheduled to leave Anbar province later this month. In addition, he says it will soon be possible to bring home an Army combat brigade, for a total force reduction of 5,700 troops by Christmas. And he expects that by July, we will be able to reduce our troop levels in Iraq from 20 combat brigades to 15.
To establish its authority, the Iraqi government plans to take responsibility for security in all of Iraq's provinces by November.Yet yesterday there was only hints at that, with an accent on 'maintaining security gains'.
What I heard was rhetoric, not results. What was said was more pandering than proven progress. I am disappointed int he inability of this chief executive to just be honest with us. Because this is a battle we can not lose, and as long as the priority is more personal political protection, instead of national security protection, we are in trouble.
But before you start screaming 'liberal', I am as disappointed in the Democratic response. It became even more clear that as we approach the Presidential campaign season, the lines are being drawn thick and dark. The chasm between the two parties is greater than its ever been. And I sit here knowing that until both parties can put personal political gains aside, and place the security interests of this country, and victory in Iraq first and foremost, troops will be in the region indefinitely.
I am certainly not expecting a Kum Ba Yah moment, but I do hope that the two major parties can disengage for a moment and look at what needs to be done together. I don't think a full scale withdrawal is practical, or even appropriate. I also don't believe we need to have over 130,000 sets of boots on the ground in Iraq knowing there are other priorities that need to be addressed that more close relate to maintaining security here at home.
But look at the the irony of the situation. If we, together, as Americans, be it Left, Right, and/or Center can't seem to sit at the same table and develop a plan for victory and success together; how are we suppose to expect the Iraqi's to do the same.
But that's just me!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Something is missing - Iraq!
When the President spoke this past January, he said:
I also can't find much on the passed legislation "to share oil revenues among all Iraqis. To show that it is committed to delivering a better life, the Iraqi government will spend $10 billion of its own money on reconstruction and infrastructure projects that will create new jobs." Did I miss that too, I mean, I have been busy.
Regardless, I'll stick with what I said here after last January's Surge Speech
A successful strategy for Iraq goes beyond military operations. Ordinary Iraqi citizens must see that military operations are accompanied by visible improvements in their neighborhoods and communities. So America will hold the Iraqi government to the benchmarks it has announced.I haven't been able to totally dissect Petraeus' testimony to congress, but I didn't hear much about the plans for Iraq "to take responsibility for security in all of Iraq's provinces by November." I may have missed it in my balancing act between school, family, and blogging, so maybe someone can steer me in the right direction.
To establish its authority, the Iraqi government plans to take responsibility for security in all of Iraq's provinces by November. To give every Iraqi citizen a stake in the country's economy, Iraq will pass legislation to share oil revenues among all Iraqis. To show that it is committed to delivering a better life, the Iraqi government will spend $10 billion of its own money on reconstruction and infrastructure projects that will create new jobs. To empower local leaders, Iraqis plan to hold provincial elections later this year. And to allow more Iraqis to re-enter their nation's political life, the government will reform de-Baathification laws, and establish a fair process for considering amendments to Iraq's constitution.
I also can't find much on the passed legislation "to share oil revenues among all Iraqis. To show that it is committed to delivering a better life, the Iraqi government will spend $10 billion of its own money on reconstruction and infrastructure projects that will create new jobs." Did I miss that too, I mean, I have been busy.
Regardless, I'll stick with what I said here after last January's Surge Speech
we must be aware of the consequences of an unstable Iraq in an already unstable region. Walking away now is not an option, presenting the Iraqi government with our ultimatum is.But like the President said last January
I've made it clear to the Prime Minister and Iraq's other leaders that America's commitment is not open-ended. If the Iraqi government does not follow through on its promises, it will lose the support of the American people -- and it will lose the support of the Iraqi people.I am going to wait till I hear the President's address tomorrow. But if he struggles with keeping his word, again, he may lose me before the first of the year. And with so few Americans supporting his efforts in Iraq, there aren't many "me's" left.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My two favorite posts on Centrisity relate to the 9/11 tragedy. First there is the trip to NY in 2000. My first real bonding opportunity with my son, and the photo I took:
Give those two posts another look over, then hug your kids . . . and pray for a better tomorrow!
We then hopped on another ferry for the trip to the financial district, and a subway ride to Times Square. During this ferry ride, I took what would become the most popular photo in our family, and one that I will always cherish. It is as powerful as it is poignant. I wanted to share it with all of you.And then there is 'My 9/11 Story'
9/11/01 would have been a powerful day in my life regardless of it's now historical significance. I was in a custody battle, and ever since May 2001, I knew that September 11, 2001, would be "Custer's last stand".Yes, as the towers were falling I was pacing the halls of a court room, awaiting the decision of a lifetime, while the world itself was changing permanently.
Give those two posts another look over, then hug your kids . . . and pray for a better tomorrow!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Rush to the Future!
Ross nails it on the head:
(W)hen you consider that most of the band's hard-rock peers of the '70s have long since burned out, broken up or subsist almost entirely on warm nostalgia, it gets much tougher to dismiss Rush.The lads were tight and clean. Simply amazing. I MUST see this show again!
In front of more than 12,000 extremely reverent fans - because, face it, no one accidentally sees a Rush concert in 2007 - the Canadian trio performed a complex, lively concert Sunday night at the Xcel Energy Center. And while obvious hits like "The Spirit of Radio" and "Tom Sawyer" popped up near the end, the set list very pointedly did not rely on the past for its momentum.
Split into two sections with an encore, the show boasted a whopping nine of the 13 songs found on the new "Snakes and Arrows," Rush's 18th studio album. Just try to find any arena-level performer who, more than three decades into a career, could pull off such a move - and have the fans following every last moment.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Another Year Begins
Back to school today!
I was off all of three weeks this year, so not a big change for me. The construction at our building is almost complete. The new technology areas are simply amazing. They won't be online to start the year, so that allows me some time to get the classrooms up and running before I need to concentrate on the new spaces.
This short week will seem long, especially with the RUSH concert looming on Sunday. Kind of like a kid counting the days till Christmas *grin*
I was off all of three weeks this year, so not a big change for me. The construction at our building is almost complete. The new technology areas are simply amazing. They won't be online to start the year, so that allows me some time to get the classrooms up and running before I need to concentrate on the new spaces.
This short week will seem long, especially with the RUSH concert looming on Sunday. Kind of like a kid counting the days till Christmas *grin*
It's almost November
I continue to support this President in the war on terror, and the latest Surge campaign. But I also will hold him to his word when he said in January that he will turn over Iraqi security to the Iraqi's, and then begin withdrawing troops. With a couple months to go, it looks like he is on track:
Let's be clear, Iraqi's need to take care of themselves. It has been 5 year and frankly the USA has other issues that need to be dealt with. While the Taliban is strengthening and regrouping in Afghanistan:
The number of us still supporting the Iraqi conflict is dwindling, and if the President doesn't keep his word this time, he'll loose me for sure.
"General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker tell me if the kind of success we are now seeing continues, it will be possible to maintain the same level of security with fewer American forces," the president said.It does sound like he is hedging, but at least hinting on some kind of troop withdrawal.
Let's be clear, Iraqi's need to take care of themselves. It has been 5 year and frankly the USA has other issues that need to be dealt with. While the Taliban is strengthening and regrouping in Afghanistan:
Over the past six weeks, the Taliban has driven government forces out of roughly half of a strategic area in southern Afghanistan that American and NATO officials declared a success story last fall in their campaign to clear out insurgents and make way for development programs, Afghan officials say.. . . the US is still concentrating in Iraq.
The number of us still supporting the Iraqi conflict is dwindling, and if the President doesn't keep his word this time, he'll loose me for sure.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
2007 DCA Finals Scores
02 September 2007
DCA Open Class Finals
Rochester, NY
01. 98.313 - Buccaneers
02. 96.650 - Caballeros
03. 95.650 - Empire Statesmen
04. 94.575 - Bushwackers
05. 93.683 - Brigadiers
06. 92.963 - Minnesota Brass
07. 92.488 - Hurricanes
08. 89.400 - Renegades
09. 88.775 - CorpsVets
10. 87.525 - Crusaders
02 September 2007
DCA A Class Finals
Rochester, NY
1. 83.988 - Sunrisers
2. 83.188 - Govenaires
3. 82.513 - SoCal Dream
DCA Open Class Finals
Rochester, NY
01. 98.313 - Buccaneers
02. 96.650 - Caballeros
03. 95.650 - Empire Statesmen
04. 94.575 - Bushwackers
05. 93.683 - Brigadiers
06. 92.963 - Minnesota Brass
07. 92.488 - Hurricanes
08. 89.400 - Renegades
09. 88.775 - CorpsVets
10. 87.525 - Crusaders
02 September 2007
DCA A Class Finals
Rochester, NY
1. 83.988 - Sunrisers
2. 83.188 - Govenaires
3. 82.513 - SoCal Dream
Saturday, September 01, 2007
2007 DCA Prelim Scores
01 September 2007More in this space in bit
DCA Preliminary
Rochester, NY
01. 97.388 * - Buccaneers
02. 96.665 * - Caballeros
03. 95.563 * - Empire Statesmen
04. 94.188 * - Bushwackers
05. 93.075 * - Brigadiers
06. 92.650 * - Minnesota Brass
07. 91.388 * - Hurricanes
08. 91.063 * - Renegades
09. 88.950 * - CorpsVets
10. 87.838 * - Crusaders
11. 84.838 - Music City Legend
12. 83.738 % - Govenaires
13. 83.050 % - Sunrisers
14. 81.938 % - SoCal Dream
15. 81.888 - Kilties
16. 81.875 - Fusion Core
17. 81.850 - Alliance
18. 77.975 - Chops, Inc
19. 77.700 - Frontier
20. 76.400 - Gulf Coast Sound
21. 75.275 - White Sabers
22. 74.600 - Lakeshoremen
* = Advance to Open Class Finals on 9/2
% = Advance to Class A Finals on 9/2
Economic Insurgency
Nice article in this AM's Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Although Drum Corps seems to be some closely guarded secret, some communities recognize the positive nature of the activity and the influx of cash in can bring:
Prelims kick off this afternoon. Top 10 highest scoring corps, followed by the top 3 remaining Class A corps move on to World Championships Sunday night. Still a lot of weekend left.
Here is a list of Prelim corps in revers order of how they scored during the regular season (Times or Eastern):
More solid numbers will be collected after the event, but an estimated $7 million to $10 million is expected to be spent in the city this weekend on housing, gas, food and entertainment, said Tim James, director of sales for VisitRochester, which promotes tourism in the city and throughout Monroe County.$10 million dollars from a bunch of old farts who can't seem to grow up *laughing*. Actually, the age of corps members has been dropping while the talent level has improved dramatically. There are only a few of us 'old timers' still trying to relive their youth. My turn will come soon, maybe even next year. I miss being on the field.
About 250 rooms were booked at the Hyatt Regency Rochester for the championship, in addition to rooms reserved at about 23 other hotels.
Prelims kick off this afternoon. Top 10 highest scoring corps, followed by the top 3 remaining Class A corps move on to World Championships Sunday night. Still a lot of weekend left.
Here is a list of Prelim corps in revers order of how they scored during the regular season (Times or Eastern):
1. 2:00PM White SabersScores will be posted live as they are released at the DCA Scores page.
2. 2:17 Lakeshoremen
3. 2:34 Frontier
4. 2:51 Gulf Coast Sound
5. 3:08 Chops, Inc.
6. 3:25 Fusion Core
7. 3:43 Alliance
8. 3:59 SoCal Dream
9. 4:41 Sunrisers
10. 4:58 Govenaires
11. 5:15 Music City Legend
12. 5:32 Kilties
13. 5:49 Crusaders
14. 6:06 Hurricanes
14. 6:06 Hurricanes
15. 6:23 Renegades
16. 7:05 CorpsVets
17. 7:22 Minnesota Brass
18. 7:39 Bushwackers
19. 7:56 Brigadiers
20. 8:13 Caballeros
21. 8:30 Empire Statesmen
22. 8:47 Buccaneers
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