Friday, August 15, 2008

Military Vote Slipping?!?

Seems another base demographic is escaping the Right:
U.S. soldiers have donated more presidential campaign money to Democrat Barack Obama than to Republican John McCain, a reversal of previous campaigns in which military donations tended to favor GOP White House hopefuls, a nonpartisan group reported Thursday. Troops serving abroad have given nearly six times as much money to Obama's presidential campaign than they have to McCain's, the Center for Responsive Politics said.
Did you catch that, this isn't just a barely edging him out thing, this is Troops serving abroad have given nearly six times as much money to Obama. Now we can't presume that this indicates the complete loss of the Military vote by the GOP, but last time I spoke with my son, a Bush voter in 2004, he was a leans Obama. Now that he is in theater, that view may adjust to either a swing back to McCain, or a stronger support of Sen Obama. I'll have to ask him some time, but I'll wait till we get through October.


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