Saturday, August 30, 2008

2008 DCA World Championships

It is Labor Day weekend and the start of . . no, not the RNC Convention, Drum Corps Associates World Championships. I am sure the Minnesota participants who are flying had no problem getting out of town, but I'll be curious to hear what their return trip is like.

For now, here are today's Preliminary scores to determine who continues on till Finals, Tomorrow.

I marched many years with Minnesota Brass, going back to 1978. I also marched a year with the St. Peter Govenaires, a corps my father, and grandfather both performed with.

This post will be updated until Preliminary Scores are final!

Here are the numbers:

2008 DCA World Championship Preliminary Scores


98.138 Buccaneers
96.013 Empire Statesmen
95.875 Caballeros
95.113 Minnesota Brass
94.913 Hurricanes
93.788 Bushwackers
91.400 Brigadiers
90.688 Renegades
88.288 CorpsVets
86.188 Crusaders

^^ Perform Sunday in Finals ^^

85.538 Music City Legend
82.788 Kilties

Class A

83.838 Alliance A
83.025 Fusion Core A
80.900 Chops Inc A
80.788 SoCal Dream A
^^ Perform Sunday in Finals ^^

80.650 Grenadiers A
77.413 Govenaires A
77.313 White Sabers A
75.888 Carolina Gold A
73.563 Gulf Coast Sound A
72.538 Frontier A
72.963 Lakeshoremen A
67.500 Shenandoah Sound A
UPDATE: Waiting on MN Brass's Numbers, but here is a peak at their opener. Gotta love real time technology (may take a bit to load):

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