Wednesday, January 10, 2007


How does Webster define 'surge':
Main Entry: 1surge
Pronunciation: 's&rj
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): surged; surg·ing
Etymology: earlier, to ride (at anchor) probably in part from Middle French sourgir to cast anchor, land, from Catalan surgir to heave, cast anchor, from Latin surgere to rise, spring up; from sub- up + regere to lead straight; in part from Latin surgere -- more at SUB-, RIGHT

intransitive verb
1 : to rise and fall actively : TOSS <a ship surging in heavy seas>
2 : to rise and move in waves or billows : SWELL <the sea was surging>
3 : to slip around a windlass, capstan, or bitts -- used especially of a rope
4 : to rise suddenly to an excessive or abnormal value <the stock market surgeed to a record high>
5 : to move with a surge or in surges <felt the blood surging into his face -- Harry Hervey> <she surged past the other runners>
transitive verb : to let go or slacken gradually (as a rope)
Many of us hope the White house is referring to "rise and fall actively" while the skeptics are thinking more along the lines of "to rise suddenly to an excessive or abnormal value"

Over the course of the day, more information will be leaked released, but tonight we will find out the definitive answer.


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