Friday, February 18, 2005

GOING, GOing, gone

Nick Coleman's latest is on the auctioning off of the Old Schmidt Brewery on West 7th in St. Paul. Even Mitch seemed to toss out an unforced, backhand compliment, so it must be a good read!

I'm an old brewery lover. I have toured many, including both the Schmidt and Grain Belt Breweries here in the Twin Cities. When I lived in LaCrosse, WI, several of us would go down to the Heileman Brewery every week for the Brewery tour. I went on one just a few years ago and it is very sterile in it's delivery. Back in 1980, you could do a walk through of the entire complex, now you spend the majority of the tour watching a video of the walk through, and then a brief peek inside the building itself.

It was awkward walking through the old rathskeller, peering at the ole German tavern from behind a felt rope, as if it were a museum piece. Of course, over 20 years ago I was bellied up to that ole bar top, wobbling on the stool, waiting for the tour to start. Now it is treated like Archie's chair at the Smithsonian.

I miss the old breweries, the wafting of sweet hops floating in the air, and the visit to the water taps free for so long. I also miss my kegerator with a constant flow of beverage pouring into my frosty mug. Will Spring ever get here so I can start the season anew.

Dagnabbit, now I'm thirsty!!

Have a GREAT weekend!


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