Thursday, March 23, 2006

Our Visit with Amy

Another fantastic evening of Drinking Liberally. I arrived a bit after 7:00, knowing that the guest of the evening wouldn't be there till later. When REW disappeared just before the scheduled arrival of 7:45 I suspected that she had 'gotten the call'. A few moment later REW returned with Amy at her side, along with two members of Amy's campaign staff.

I have already endorsed Amy, so I observed from the periphery to witness how Amy would choose to engage the attendees. She clearly showed her desire to mingle with us and began at one end of the table introducing herself to each and every person there. She definitely has a handle on the blogoshpere, as she was eager to finally meet Wege, even-though she was aware of where his current support was. My turn was towards the end, and I was glad to find out that Amy really likes 'Centrisity' (I wonder why *grin*). We visited briefly and talked a bit about my mother, who has worked on many of Amy's campaigns (Mom, Amy says Hi *waving*)

At this point, our NEXT US Senator found a comfortable spot in the middle of the group and shared with us her views, her vision, and her passion for the people of Minnesota. She mixed in personal reflection intermixed with snippets from her stump speech. There were no surprises on her comments. She systematically dismantled the Right wing propaganda, yet in a respectful way. There is no need to sling mud at this point. Amy has a lot to offer the state of Minnesota as our next Senator. Only those candidates who have nothing to run on have to resort to slime and smear, with a dose of deception to try to steal this seat.

I had only one question to ask our guest. I was not going to take up her time knowing there were others that either supported the endorsement of Dr. Bell, or were still undecided in this race. But I did want to know where Amy stood on the Feingold censure resolution. I explained to her that I supported the censure of President Clinton, and that I currently support Feingold's resolution as well. Amy was clear in her response. She would NOT support the Feingold resolution at this time. She does believe there needs to be an investigation, and would consider whatever consequences the investigation would recommend, but at this time, which was my question, she said she would vote 'NO'.

Amy took the time to visit with everyone, to make sure their questions were answered to their satisfaction. We may not have always gotten the answer we wanted to hear, but this 'tiger from the range' took a firm and convincing stand on every issue that was thrown her way. Do not believe the men behind the curtain, when they spread their 'memes of misinformation'.

Amy Klobuchar is one of the BEST things that will happen to Minnesota as we begin to take back this country. It's time we elect representation that adequately and accurately represents the constituency they serve, not the corporate interests of a select few.

I am proud to support the candidacy of Amy Klobuchar for US Senate, and last night, she only made it more clear why!!


Doug at MOBange has a fair and respectful liveblog of the event.

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