Wednesday, August 08, 2007

MNGOP Spin Doctoring

There was a special election yesterday that the MNGOP claims "signals growing Republican momentum" Let's look at the data.

The GOP Candidate won with 53% of the vote. Since 1998, the GOP candidate has won, on average, 73.2% of the vote (even when you pull out the 100% when the GOP candidate was unopposed you still get 66.5%.)

Only Republican logic would take a 13 - 20% DROP in Republican candidate support and imply it signals GROWING momentum.

Comical, actually.


Source: MN SoS

74.6 Sviggum
25.4 Hicks

2000 Unoposed
100 Sviggum

66.11 Sviggum
33.81 Metcalf

64.48 Sviggum
35.44 Metcalf

60.82 Sviggum
39,05 Flatten

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