A few days ago I found myself in a position to fly to Rochester NY for the 2007 DCA World Championships. I have been away from the activity for a couple years, and thought "What the Heck!"
So here I am, in upstate NY, in a cushy room at the Rochester ,NY Double Tree.
Political blogging will take a back seat to some Drum Corps blogging. Will the Govenaires retain their World Championship . . . can MBI finally crack into the top 3. Answers to those questions will be found here over the course of the weekend.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Black Ink
Eric Black, formerly of the STRIB and The Big Question has opened up his own little Internet playground.
Eric Black Ink
Check it out!
Eric Black Ink
Check it out!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Hugh Slams Craig
You've probably heard the story of Sen Larry Craig by now:
Sen. Larry E. Craig pleaded guilty earlier this month to misdemeanor disorderly-conduct charges stemming from his June arrest by an undercover police officer in a men's restroom at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, a court spokeswoman and the senator's office said yesterday.The Godfather of the NARN thinks Craig's got to go, especially after reading the Senator's spin doctor attempt:
I don't believe him. Read the statement by the arresting officer. He must think the people of Idaho are idiots.I applaud Mr. Hewitt on his insistent that judgment should be a major criteria for serving in the Senate. My question is, does he apply that same standard consistently?
But even if I did believe him, this would make his judgment too flawed to be in the United States Senate in a time of war. He has to go.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Gonzales Gone
CNN is reporting that Alberto is taking the walk. Unfortunately I am at work today, so won't get to watch this story develop. One thing is for sure, I can hear the President now . . .
'Heckuva Job, Gonzo!!'
'Heckuva Job, Gonzo!!'
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Presidential Line
Chris Cillizza of The Fix posts his Friday Presidential Line. The Top 5 and some snippets:
1) Hillary
1 Tie) Giuliani
Things will start thinning out soon, and with the early primaries, the presumptive nominees will be inked in by the end of February.
What do you think?
1) Hillary
Clinton has effectively neutralized many of the doubts about her candidacy, including her initial vote for the 2002 resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq. Polling seems to show voters are more interested in plans for the future than examinations of the past.2) Obama
Obama has begun to push back against that experience argument by noting that despite the years and years of political experience of other candidates in the race, he was the only one of the frontrunners to get it right when it came to Iraq. His judgment was better, and after all isn't good judgment at the core of being a leader?3) Edwards
Edwards has begun to draw contrasts with Obama in an attempt to wrest the change mantle from the Illinois Senator. Edwards has attacked Obama's plan to reform lobbying in Washington and continually calls for "bold" change.4) Richardson
polls continue to show positive movement in Iowa and New Hampshire and he puts together his best debate performance to date . . . . Richardson needs to continue to stay under the frontrunners' radar for the next few months and catch fire in December and early January.5) Dodd
of all the remaining candidates he has the financial firepower to play seriously in Iowa. That means that if something cataclysmic takes place at the top of the field, he will have the money to take advantage. The same can't be said for Sen. Joe BidenGOP
1 Tie) Giuliani
we're beginning to wonder whether anything will stick to Giuliani. Nothing has so far and we're not sure that's because the performance of the former New York mayor immediately after Sept. 11, 2001 affords him insulation or because Republican voters prize "electability" over all other traits.1 Tie) Romney
Romney and his team stuck to their guns and have watched as he has risen to the top of polls in both Iowa and New Hampshire thanks to an onslaught of commercials. And, he used that organizational heft to score a convincing win in the Ames Straw poll earlier this month. Yet, even Romney's strategists acknowledge that the candidate has not closed the sale with voters in these early states.3) Thompson
it doesn't appear as though the problems that have plagued the candidate-in-waiting are solved. That should be worrisome to all the Fredheads out there. What should give them some solace is the fact that Thompson continues to run second or third in the vast majority of state and national polling we've seen.4) Huckabee
Huckabee's best day in the campaign so far was Aug. 11. His surprise second place showing at Ames was -- finally! -- a sign of life from a candidate whose upside (to quote NBA draft analysts) is as high as anyone in the field.5) McCain
This has been a precipitous fall for McCain. With a skeleton staff and dwindling chances in both Iowa and South Carolina, it appears as though his last best shot to influence the outcome is in New Hampshire, where McCain became MCCAIN!By the first of the year, I suspect at least one of these top 5 from each party will be gone. For the Dems it will be Obama or Edwards. For the GOP, probably McCain, or possible Huckabee.
Things will start thinning out soon, and with the early primaries, the presumptive nominees will be inked in by the end of February.
What do you think?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Recovery Complete
That last man has been recovered:
Crews have found the body of the last person missing after the Interstate 35W bridge collapse, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner announced Monday.I haven't had much to say post collapse. That was by design. Now that all the victims are accounted for, that may change.
The confirmed death of Gregory Jolstad, 45, of Mora, brings the death toll from the Aug. 1 bridge collapse to 13.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Have a GREAT day, GiGi! If the rest of you have a moment, flood her comments with well wishes!
I am back to work, so will have to get back into the AM Blogging, and bailing to work system. It may take a few days.
I am back to work, so will have to get back into the AM Blogging, and bailing to work system. It may take a few days.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
DCA-C South St. Paul
It was a wet yet wonderful evening of Drum Corps. Congratulations to all corps who dealt with the adverse conditions.
The Govenaries are poised to retain their Class A World Championship title. Minnesota Brass is having one of their best years ever. Only a couple weeks till nationals and anything can happen.
The Govenaries are poised to retain their Class A World Championship title. Minnesota Brass is having one of their best years ever. Only a couple weeks till nationals and anything can happen.
18 August 2007Flash
South St Paul, MN
1. 90.725 - Minnesota Brass
2. 83.800 - Kilties
3. 78.763 - Governaires
4. 75.875 - Chops Inc
5. 72.863 - Frontier
5. 72.863 - Lakeshoremen
**** DCA All-Age Corps - Based on Newest Score ****
01 (01) - 92.588 (2) - Buccaneers
02 (03) - 92.125 (4) - Empire Statesmen
03 (01) - 90.925 (2) - Caballeros
04 (08) - 90.725 (3) - Minnesota Brass
05 (05) - 89.263 (4) - Brigadiers
06 (04) - 89.050 (2) - Bushwackers
07 (07) - 86.300 (1) - CorpsVets
08 (06) - 86.026 (2) - Hurricanes
09 (12) - 83.800 (3) - Kilties
10 (09) - 83.775 (4) - Crusaders
11 (14) - 78.763 (3) - Governaires
12 (10) - 76.550 (1) - Music City Legend
13 (11) - 76.200 (4) - Sunrisers
14 (22) - 75.875 (3) - Chops, Inc
15 (15) - 75.600 (1) - Alliance
16 (13) - 74.688 (4) - Fusion Core
16 (20) - 74.688 (4) - White Sabers
18 (19) - 72.863 (3) - Frontier
18 (NR) - 72.863 (3) - Lakeshoremen
20 (18) - 68.888 (1) - Gulf Coast Sound
21 (16) - 68.763 (6) - SoCal Dream
22 (17) - 68.738 (5) - Renegades
23 (21) - 66.613 (7) - River City Regiment
(1) = 08/18/07 - Rockmart, GA (DCA)
(2) = 08/18/07 - Scranton, PA (DCA)
(3) = 08/18/07 - South St Paul, MN (DCA)
(4) = 08/18/07 - Syracuse, NY (DCA)
(5) = 08/03/07 - Modesto, CA (DCI)
(6) = 07/15/07 - Calabasas, CA (DCI)
(7) = 07/01/07 - Modesto, CA (DCI)
Friday, August 17, 2007
Hey!! I'm on Vacation!
OK, so I'm not spewing out political rhetoric everyday. This is my last week of freedom before I go back to the grind on Monday.
Yesterday, the lovely Mrs. Flash and I did about 14 miles on the ole bikes and enjoyed the West River Road Pkwy up to Minnehaha Falls. Had to stop for DQ while we were there. We then took the East River Road trails back home. Very refreshing and enjoyable.
This weekend will be filled with Drum Corps as I catch up with good friends old and new. South St. Paul Saturday and St. Peter Sunday. Fun Filled evenings of Music in Motion. A nice escape from the drudgery of political discourse. Some people seem to take it too seriously. Not me, and certainly not this weekend.
Yesterday, the lovely Mrs. Flash and I did about 14 miles on the ole bikes and enjoyed the West River Road Pkwy up to Minnehaha Falls. Had to stop for DQ while we were there. We then took the East River Road trails back home. Very refreshing and enjoyable.
This weekend will be filled with Drum Corps as I catch up with good friends old and new. South St. Paul Saturday and St. Peter Sunday. Fun Filled evenings of Music in Motion. A nice escape from the drudgery of political discourse. Some people seem to take it too seriously. Not me, and certainly not this weekend.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
LIVE BLOG: Rep. Ramstad on Centrism in the New Congress
I am sitting in the front row of the Cowles Auditorium awaiting Rep. Ramstad's take on "Life as a Centrist in the New Congress". I am by no means a live blogger at the level of my good friend and premier live blogger, Jeff Fecke. However, I will post a few snippets here during the event. I should have a more substantive post later in the afternoon, or tomorrow morning, as my domestic schedule warrants. Andy Birkey of the Minnesota Monitor is also covering the event. Also Eric Ostermeier at Smart Politics.
Skip Humphrey is here to to listen to the Congressman's delivery.
Larry Jacobs is giving the introductions and we are ready to go.
Congressman Ramstad:
Mental Health is clearly our number 1 health problems. He mentions that even when the GOP had control, and with 265 co sponsors (218 needed to pass). He only was able to get one hearing on his bill, and no votes.
Under Democratic control, the bill is now getting hearings and votes and will soon be before the full house.
It is still possible to work in a bipartisan and pragmatic way to get things done.
When the 35W bridge fell, political ranker came to s screeching halt. We were no longer Democrats and Republicans. We were Minnesotans!
Listing a variety of bi partisan proposals with their Democratic co authors displaying his commitment to work in this bi partisan way to provide for all.
More controversial, the International Family Planning bill co sponsored with Betty McCollum.
A glaring display if bipartisanship, including the Min Wage increase "which was long over due", were past during the first 100 hours with the assistance of about 60 Republicans.
It is wrong to politicize the stem cell issue and turn it into an abortion issue.
Direct negotiations for Medicare prescriptions and cutting interest rates on Student loans.
"So bipartisanship does happen in Congress"
When asked about the political cost of being a centrist, "You will never find members of our 'Tuesday Group' in leadership roles in Congress." The Tuesday groups is a group of moderate Republicans. There was some chuckles when he stated the Tuesday groups meeting for lunch on noon on Wednesdays. His first priority is voting his constituency, not his party.
"I have gotten many 'Love Letters' from the radicals who were against my votes. But I have found you don't have to look back when you know you have done the right thing."
All of us need to be reminded of HHH's guiding principle: The moral test of government os how we treat those in the dawn of life, the children, the twilight of light, the elderly, and the shadow of life, the sick and needy.
Congress and the President must work together in a bipartisan way because to much is at stake . . . we MUST govern from the center!"
We MUST change the tone in government in Washington!
Q -n- A
- - - -
What would the Ramstad of 1990 think of the Ramstad of 2007 -> Goverment exists to keep people safe. Gov't exists to provide services collectivly. Also to help people that can't help themselves. It is not about giving hand outs, but a help up!
Trade is not a zero sum game where there are winners and loosera, and also we have to remember that only five percent of the world's population live in the United States. we CAN'T be isolationists.
We must make the tax cuts permanent and fix the Alternative Minimum tax effecting 23 million people instead of the 200 or so it was designed for in its inception. In order to fund the new proposals we msut find offsets and not rely on ending the 2003 tax cuts.
What is your advice to moderate Republicans to take back their party?
There is room for diversity of opinion. We need to find common ground. My message is a messege of unity and the stronger both parties are the stronger we all are.
Skip Humphrey is here to to listen to the Congressman's delivery.
Larry Jacobs is giving the introductions and we are ready to go.
Congressman Ramstad:
Mental Health is clearly our number 1 health problems. He mentions that even when the GOP had control, and with 265 co sponsors (218 needed to pass). He only was able to get one hearing on his bill, and no votes.
Under Democratic control, the bill is now getting hearings and votes and will soon be before the full house.
It is still possible to work in a bipartisan and pragmatic way to get things done.
When the 35W bridge fell, political ranker came to s screeching halt. We were no longer Democrats and Republicans. We were Minnesotans!
Listing a variety of bi partisan proposals with their Democratic co authors displaying his commitment to work in this bi partisan way to provide for all.
More controversial, the International Family Planning bill co sponsored with Betty McCollum.
A glaring display if bipartisanship, including the Min Wage increase "which was long over due", were past during the first 100 hours with the assistance of about 60 Republicans.
It is wrong to politicize the stem cell issue and turn it into an abortion issue.
Direct negotiations for Medicare prescriptions and cutting interest rates on Student loans.
"So bipartisanship does happen in Congress"
When asked about the political cost of being a centrist, "You will never find members of our 'Tuesday Group' in leadership roles in Congress." The Tuesday groups is a group of moderate Republicans. There was some chuckles when he stated the Tuesday groups meeting for lunch on noon on Wednesdays. His first priority is voting his constituency, not his party.
"I have gotten many 'Love Letters' from the radicals who were against my votes. But I have found you don't have to look back when you know you have done the right thing."
All of us need to be reminded of HHH's guiding principle: The moral test of government os how we treat those in the dawn of life, the children, the twilight of light, the elderly, and the shadow of life, the sick and needy.
Congress and the President must work together in a bipartisan way because to much is at stake . . . we MUST govern from the center!"
We MUST change the tone in government in Washington!
Q -n- A
- - - -
What would the Ramstad of 1990 think of the Ramstad of 2007 -> Goverment exists to keep people safe. Gov't exists to provide services collectivly. Also to help people that can't help themselves. It is not about giving hand outs, but a help up!
Trade is not a zero sum game where there are winners and loosera, and also we have to remember that only five percent of the world's population live in the United States. we CAN'T be isolationists.
We must make the tax cuts permanent and fix the Alternative Minimum tax effecting 23 million people instead of the 200 or so it was designed for in its inception. In order to fund the new proposals we msut find offsets and not rely on ending the 2003 tax cuts.
What is your advice to moderate Republicans to take back their party?
There is room for diversity of opinion. We need to find common ground. My message is a messege of unity and the stronger both parties are the stronger we all are.
Ramstad on Centrism
I will be traveling to the Humphrey Center this afternoon to listen to my favorite Rupublican talk about 'Life as a Centrist in the New Congress". The Event begins at Noon and is free to the public.
Congressman Jim RamstadMore later.
“Life as a Centrist in the New Congress”
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Noon – 1:15 p.m.
Cowles Auditorium
Humphrey Center
301 19th Ave S., Minneapolis
Monday, August 13, 2007
Karl Quits
The turbulent White House career of Turd Blossom draws to a close:
Karl Rove, the architect of President Bush's two national campaigns and his most prominent adviser through 6-1/2 tumultuous years in the White House, will resign at month's end and leave politics, a White House spokeswoman said this morning.Running away at this time should not insulate him for the shenanigans he has orchestrated in this White House. Karl may have been integral in getting this President elected, but his determination to stay in power has created a black stain on that legacy. Time tends to be the great healer, in this case, time will become the great revealer.
Bush plans to make a statement with Rove on the South Lawn this morning before the president departs for his ranch near Crawford, Tex. Rove, who holds the titles of deputy chief of staff and senior adviser, has been talking about finding the right time to depart for a year, colleagues said, and decided he had to either leave now or remain through the end of the presidency.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Merv Griffin; 1925 - 2007
via CNN:
Merv Griffin, the entertainer turned impresario who parlayed his "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune" game shows into a multimillion-dollar empire, has died. He was 82.Merv changed the face of TV, especially daytime TV. I remember the original Jeopardy, and all but block my phone at 4:30 when the current show airs.
Griffin died of prostate cancer, according to a statement from his family that was released by Marcia Newberger, spokeswoman for The Griffin Group/Merv Griffin Entertainment.
Blue Devils - 2007 DCI World Champions!

When it comes to the marching arts, the Blue Devils are the BEST in the world:
The Blue Devils completed their three-day sweep of the 2007 Drum Corps International World Championships Saturday night, winning the final show of the season in impression fashion with a 98.000 and sweeping the Brass, Percussion, Ensemble Visual and General Effect caption awards.
After lagging behind the second-place Cadets for much of the season, the Concord, Calif.-based Blue Devils surged in the final two weeks to take the corps’ 12th overall World Championship. The crowd included many alumni celebrating the corps’ 50th anniversary at the Rose Bowl, practically in the Devils’ backyard.
Final Scores:
**** 2007 DCI Division I Championship Finals ****Congratulations also goes out to the Spartans and Memphis sound for capturing the title in their respective divisions:
01. 98.000 - Blue Devils
02. 97.025 - The Cadets
03. 96.350 - The Cavaliers
04. 94.850 - Phantom Regiment
05. 94.175 - Santa Clara Vanguard
06. 94.150 - Carolina Crown
07. 94.050 - Bluecoats
08. 90.275 - Blue Knights
09. 89.100 - Boston Crusaders
10. 86.150 - Colts
11. 85.750 - Glassmen
12. 84.500 - Spirit from JSU
Thirteen top corps performed for the last time this season at the Division II & III World Championships this afternoon at Pasadena City College in California. The Spartans (96.150) were named the 2007 Division II World Champion and Memphis Sound (90.550) was named the Division III World Champion, both putting on the greatest performances of their seasons.But that is the Junior corps.

The All Age contingent competes through Labor Day weekend. Their DCA World Championships will be held in Rochester New York.
Leading up to that event is DCA Central weekend right here in Minnesota. Witness the marching arts in person as corps from across the country meet in South St. Paul (Aug 18) and St. Peter, Minnesota (Aug 19). I will be at South St. Paul and hope to make it to St. Peter as well. Come witness drum corps live and share in a passion I have had since 1978. You are definitely in for a treat.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
DCI Semifinals
via DCI:
**** 2007 DCI Division I Semifinals ****
01. 97.300 - Blue Devils
02. 97.250 - The Cadets
03. 96.775 - The Cavaliers
04. 95.400 - Phantom Regiment
05. 94.050 - Santa Clara Vanguard
06. 93.875 - Carolina Crown
07. 93.750 - Bluecoats
08. 90.450 - Blue Knights
09. 89.450 - Boston Crusaders
10. 87.025 - Glassmen
11. 87.000 - Colts
12. 85.500 - Spirit from JSU
13. 84.500 - The Academy
14. 84.350 - Blue Stars
15. 81.850 - Madison Scouts
16. 81.600 - Crossmen
17. 79.525 - Pacific Crest
**** 2007 DCI Division II Semifinal ****
01. 95.975 - Spartans
02. 95.650 - Jersey Surf
03. 92.825 - Teal Sound
04. 90.650 - Blue Devils B
05. 89.075 - Vanguard Cadets
06. 84.900 - Raiders
**** 2007 DCI Division III Semifinal ****
01. 91.525 - Memphis Sound
02. 89.825 - Fever
03. 84.750 - Revolution
04. 84.625 - Dutch Boy
05. 82.600 - Oregon Crusaders
06. 79.025 - Impulse
07. 75.325 - Velvet Knights
08. 74.950 - Mystikal
09. 74.175 - Gold
01. 87.800 - The Yokohama Scouts
Friday, August 10, 2007
DCI Quarterfinals
Junior Drum Corps Championships are playing out in Pasadena this year. Last night's quarterfinals whittled the 22 open class corps to 17. Tonight they perform again for placement into the elite top 12. Tomorrow, they perform one last time to award the title.
MN Brass, Inc - 1978, 79, 86-92, 94-96, 98, 99, 2001, 2003
Blue Stars - 1980
Govenaires - 2005
Pride of Drum Corps All Stars - Orange Bowl, Fiesta Bowl, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
**** 2007 DCI Division I Quarterfinals ****Later in the year, ESPN2 will show highlights of this weekend's championsip. I'll be sure to remind you when that date is announced.
01. 97.200 - Blue Devils
02. 96.500 - The Cadets
03. 96.225 - The Cavaliers
04. 94.600 - Phantom Regiment
05. 93.700 - Bluecoats
06. 93.325 - Carolina Crown
07. 93.200 - Santa Clara Vanguard
08. 90.200 - Blue Knights
09. 89.350 - Boston Crusaders
10. 87.175 - Glassmen
11. 87.075 - Colts
12. 85.925 - Spirit from JSU
13. 84.975 - The Academy
14. 84.200 - Blue Stars
15. 82.500 - Madison Scouts
16. 82.425 - Crossmen
17. 80.750 - Pacific Crest
18. 80.100 - Cascades
19. 77.950 - Southwind
20. 77.550 - Troopers
21. 75.200 - Mandarins
22. 73.325 - Pioneer
**** 2007 DCI Division II Prelims ****
01. 93.750 - Jersey Surf
02. 93.700 - Spartans
03. 89.900 - Teal Sound
04. 87.800 - Blue Devils B
05. 85.800 - Vanguard Cadets
06. 80.075 - Raiders
**** 2007 DCI Division III Prelims ****
01. 90.975 - Memphis Sound
02. 88.025 - Fever
03. 83.325 - Revolution
04. 81.850 - Dutch Boy
05. 79.075 - Oregon Crusaders
06. 78.225 - Impulse
07. 75.975 - Velvet Knights
08. 75.525 - Mystikal
09. 74.225 - Gold
10. 74.025 - Citations
11. 73.550 - Spokane Thunder
12. 70.575 - H.Y.P.E.
13. 66.175 - Racine Scouts
14. 64.150 - Spirit of Newark
15. 62.400 - Blue Devils B
01. 85.650 - The Yokohama Scouts
MN Brass, Inc - 1978, 79, 86-92, 94-96, 98, 99, 2001, 2003
Blue Stars - 1980
Govenaires - 2005
Pride of Drum Corps All Stars - Orange Bowl, Fiesta Bowl, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Fiscal Frustration
MN 2020 reports and the fiscal frustration of the City of St. Paul:
The City of St. Paul is facing a grim $17 million budget deficit, which will likely cause significant property tax increases in 2008. Mayor Chris Coleman didn't get the city into this position, but he faces the unenviable task of leading the city out.It's the classic GOP Set-up. Freeze public investment and cut to the bone until things are so bad that they are jacked out of office. Then when someone who comes in who is truly fiscally responsible, they get gutted for making the tough decisions.
While no one likes property tax increases, Mayor Chris Coleman deserves credit for having the courage to address squarely the difficult fiscal problems that were not of his making. All the anti-tax rhetoric in the world won’t paper over inflation and the reality that state aid reductions shift the cost of public services to local property taxpayers.It's no wonder this fiscally conservative moderate keeps hitting a brick wall in the middle of his transition to the Right. I actually care about the community and will accept my portion of the burden to keep our city safe and clean.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
MNGOP Spin Doctoring
There was a special election yesterday that the MNGOP claims "signals growing Republican momentum" Let's look at the data.
The GOP Candidate won with 53% of the vote. Since 1998, the GOP candidate has won, on average, 73.2% of the vote (even when you pull out the 100% when the GOP candidate was unopposed you still get 66.5%.)
Only Republican logic would take a 13 - 20% DROP in Republican candidate support and imply it signals GROWING momentum.
Comical, actually.
Source: MN SoS
74.6 Sviggum
25.4 Hicks
2000 Unoposed
100 Sviggum
66.11 Sviggum
33.81 Metcalf
64.48 Sviggum
35.44 Metcalf
60.82 Sviggum
39,05 Flatten
The GOP Candidate won with 53% of the vote. Since 1998, the GOP candidate has won, on average, 73.2% of the vote (even when you pull out the 100% when the GOP candidate was unopposed you still get 66.5%.)
Only Republican logic would take a 13 - 20% DROP in Republican candidate support and imply it signals GROWING momentum.
Comical, actually.
Source: MN SoS
74.6 Sviggum
25.4 Hicks
2000 Unoposed
100 Sviggum
66.11 Sviggum
33.81 Metcalf
64.48 Sviggum
35.44 Metcalf
60.82 Sviggum
39,05 Flatten
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Emily's Story * I-35W
Kare 11 did a feature on Emily's 35W experience:
I can't find the video link right now., Once I do I'll post it. (Video Link HERE, extended Interview HERE.)
Read the rest here.
For five days television viewers and newspaper readers have seeing the black sedan stranded in the middle of the Mississippi River on I-35W's broken bridge. It is hard to imagine anyone walking away after falling 64 feet in that car, but that is exactly what Emily Pader did.
"I have a fracture on my S1 lumbar, So, it's like in the middle of my back in this area. That's really the only thing actually. No bruises, no cuts, nothing else."
The 20-year-old preschool teacher was crossing the river last Wednesday en route to drum corps practice. Emily is a member of the Minnesota Brass, Inc. Drum Corps color guard.
I can't find the video link right now., Once I do I'll post it. (Video Link HERE, extended Interview HERE.)
What's Next * I35W
An interesting discussion is brewing in the Minnesota Politics discussion forum. Interim Forum manager Tim Erickson started it off:
The Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge (Wiki, Structurae) was completed in 2005.
I know we want to see this primary artery restored as soon as possible but I certainly hope we make some lemonade here and look at all the various factors involved replacing this structure. From form to functionality. We have an opportunity to honor those lost, those saved, and those who stepped up in true Minnesota Spirit. And before you think that a bridge like this is cost prohibitive, remember that $250 million that was just passed. I mentioned the Bunker Hill bridge was completed in 2005, the cost . . . $115 Million. It can be done sensibly and responsibly. Lets hope that happens.
What do you think, A premature discussion, or an opportune time to make sure we consider all the parameters of a new bridge?
I think that we'll all agree, that safety and stability are of the utmost concern for a new bridge. BUT, what about design/appearance? What about additional functionality (light rail, bikes, or pedestrians)? More lanes or less? Should we hurry up and get this done as quickly as possible, or would we rather take time to really "redesign" this bridge and make sure that we get it RIGHT (again, I'm speaking of design)?Cost is, of course, a factor. The recent 250 Million passed, and signed by the President, is at the ready. But what can we build for that. One option was brought up in the forum, and it is a beaut.
What is your vision for the future of the I-35W bridge???

The Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge is a cable-stayed bridge that carries eight lanes of the Interstate 93 and U.S. Route 1 concurrency, plus a two lane access ramp, across the Charles River in Boston, Massachusetts.And as important:
The bridge is now a major landmark and has been featured in several films recently including the 2005 version of War of the Worlds and Martin Scorsese's The Departed and often serves as a backdrop for interviews.

What do you think, A premature discussion, or an opportune time to make sure we consider all the parameters of a new bridge?
Monday, August 06, 2007
Friday, August 03, 2007
A time to pause and reflect
I am going up "Nort on da Range" this weekend. It was a preplanned trip. No reason I should change those arrangements. But don't think I won't be reflecting on the events of this past week and looking towards the future.
I hope you all have a safe a peaceful weekend.
I hope you all have a safe a peaceful weekend.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Corps Family * I-35W

Many of these members would be driving over that bridge on their way to a 6:45 rehearsal start. I heard through E-Mail groups that all were safe and accounted for.
However, this AM I found out that one of our members road the bridge down. She is safe and unharmed, but most certainly shaken by the experience. For perspective, here is the location of her car (click for larger image).

The corps song is 'For All We Know' that is sung at the end of every rehearsal. Last night's rendition had much a more personal meaning.
For All We KnowMore later, I'm sure.
For all we know
We may never meet again
Before you go
Make this moment sweet again
We won't say goodnight
Until the last minute
I'll hold out my hand
And my heart will be in it
For all we know
This may only be a dream
We come and we go
Like the ripple on a stream
So love me tonight
Tomorrow was meant for some
Tomorrow may never come
For all we know
We know
More from the corps:
A Surreal NightBe sure to read the
August 1, 2007
It was a surreal night, hot and humid. I got to rehearsal a few minutes before 6pm. Since it is now August, we had a full hornline sectional at 6. We started our marching/playing warmup in circle drill, and there were a few sirens going off, but no one thought much of it. It seemed like a bad car accident or something, which is not uncommon being so close to a major highway at rush hour. We took a quick water break around 6:15 and I saw a few people intently listening to the radio in the corps truck. I made a "witty" comment like, "Intriguing radio, huh?" and immediately thought I shouldn't have said that because it was probably something bad...
We went back into the horn circle and Ann came up and asked where Crawford was. She said she couldn't get ahold of him and she was worried because the bridge collapsed. I said "holy sh$$," and she just gravely nodded. Greg came over and immediately took roll call.
UPDATE II: A quick to about Emily's condition:
Hey all. I thought I'd send out a little update since I've been talking to Emily pretty much on the hour since this happened.
In case you don't know they pretty much picked her up off the bridge and just dumped her on the East Bank of the U and said she needed to call someone to get picked up. They took her info and know all about her situation but she seemed unharmed so she was not a priority.
After I got to her at the Weismann, she told me about how she was a bit sore but nothing too bad. We decided once I got her home she would go to an Urgent Care with her mom. Apparently the Buffalo Urgent Care told her that she needed to go to North Memorial or HCMC.
Today (Thursday), she made the trip back into town with her grandpa. After hours at North Memorial she was checked out, double checked, xrayed, xrayed again, and xrayed again. But they could not find anything wrong. So they sent her home. BUT (there's always a but...) Later this afternoon (Thursday) they called her and asked her to come back because they found abnormalities in one of her xrays and wanted to do a CT scan. Emily has been at North Memorial ever since, and she has been admitted with a slight fracture of her back. There is a chance she could go home tomorrow (Friday), or she might have to stay a second night. Sounds like she will have to wear a back brace for some time, up to six weeks.
Photos * I-35W
Cousin Kyle works at the photo shop across from Keagan's. I run into him once in awhile when I am in need of a cold Boddingtons, or trying my luck at trivia. His proximity to yesterday's tragedy allowed him to sneak away and take a few candid photos. I'll leave the captioning up to you.
Links to my other posts here.

Links to my other posts here.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Minnesota Nice * I-35W
Minnesotans have shown their true colors with displays heroism and unconditional support. Through this tragedy we will rediscover the pride we have in our fellow citizens.
Things you may need to know:
- The Holiday Inn central has been designated as the Family Check in point.
- Traffic Access Plan will appear on the City of Minneapolis Website
- Donate Blood
- Concerned families should contact Red Cross
Things you may need to know:
- The Holiday Inn central has been designated as the Family Check in point.
- Traffic Access Plan will appear on the City of Minneapolis Website
- Donate Blood
- Concerned families should contact Red Cross
City officials are asking concerned family members who are checking on folks who may be involved in the bridge collapse over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis to call the Red Cross at (612) 871-7676. If callers get a voicemail, please leave contact information and Red Cross volunteers will get back as soon as possible with any information they have.- Bus Service:
Metro Transit said 25 extra busses will be put into service from six until nine Thursday morning to supplement existing transit service from the park-and-ride locations. There will be staff on hand to help new customers needing assistance.- The Twins game for Thursday is postponed.
Thursday's Twins-Royals afternoon game has been postponed in light of the tragic I-35W bridge collapse that took place in Minneapolis on Wednesday night.Joint Statement by Minnesota's Senators:
The team has also postponed Thursday evening's groundbreaking ceremony for the new ballpark.
Washington, D.C. – Minnesota Senators Norm Coleman and Amy Klobuchar send their thoughts and prayers to the people of Minnesota, and pledge the full support of the federal government in the wake of tonight’s tragic bridge collapse in Minneapolis, MN. Senators Coleman and Klobuchar have been in constant contact with Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters, and will travel to Minneapolis with the Secretary in the morning to survey the damage and recovery efforts. They have pledged to ensure every available federal resource makes its way to Minnesota immediately, and to help the Minnesota Department of Transportation move forward.
“In light of today’s disaster, we send our thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families. This is a tragic day for the state, and must first focus on rescue and recovery. The people of Minnesota should know we will devote the full resources of the government in any way possible,” said Coleman. “The Secretary of Transportation assured me that a thorough and complete forensic investigation will be conducted, which I hope will produce a definitive answer as to why this unbelievable disaster has occurred. We must ensure that a catastrophe like the one that happened today never occurs again.”
“This tragedy hits so close to home – in fact, within a mile of my family’s home,” said Klobuchar, a former Hennepin County Attorney and long-time Minneapolis resident. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the many people affected by this evening’s shocking bridge collapse. Most importantly, we are grateful to the many first responders who have moved so quickly to help the victims of this unfortunate accident,” said Klobuchar. “On behalf of the entire Minnesota delegation, we are committed to working together to bring all available federal resources to bear in the wake of this tragedy.”
35W MIssissippi Bridge collapses

The Interstate Hwy. 35W bridge over the Mississippi River collapsed during the evening rush hour Wednesday, dumping at least eight cars and a truck into the water and onto the land below, creating a horrific scene of damage, fire, smoke, injuries, frantic rescuers and terrified motorists.All my hopes to the victims and rescue workers as they work their craft to get people to safety. I am sure we'll have plenty to digest later this evening.
More Posts:
Minnesota Nice * I-35W
Photos * I-35W
Corps Family * I-35W
via SitD, an eyewitness account. A snippet:
I was on a river cruise this evening and witnessed the I-35W Bridge collapse. Here is my account.
Shortly after 6 PM today I was on a Mississippi river dinner cruise organized by my work. We left from Boom Island, heading down river towards St. Paul. Enjoying a cold one as we passed through the Upper Lock by St. Anthony Falls on a pleasant warm evening, the only worry was that the rain wouldn't hold off until our cruise was complete. I made my way up to the front of the boat to watch, along with a half-dozen or so others, as the boat approached the Lower Lock. Then I saw something I hope I never see the like of again.
As our boat approach the entrance of the lock, the bridge a few hundred yards beyond collapsed before our very eyes.
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