Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Support Steve Sarvi

I'm a little late to the game, but noticed a little ground swell on the local left leaning blogosphere in support of Sgt. Steve Sarvi.

I first met Steve, electronically, here at Centrisity. He was active duty and stumbled on this little blog site during the end of his deploy. Once he made it back to the states we exchanges some E-mails, and it wasn't long before I was reading about him in the paper as he announced his candidacy.

When my son Sgt. Tom was in town last February, it was also the night Sgt. Sarvi was attending the Drinking Liberal gathering at the Chatter Box. I got a shot of them after they discussed what may lie ahead for my son during his 6 month deploy set to begin in just a few months.

So if you find it in you heart, or in your pocket book to place a few coins in the coffers of this honorable man who now is destined to become our next Congressman from the 2nd, hop on over to his ActBlue page. I know he would be grateful . . .and so would i!


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