Friday, August 05, 2005

DOWN, DOWn, DOwn, Down . . . . .

The ole CiC continues to struggle in the hearts and minds of the American people:
(July results are in parentheses, X signifies less than 1 percent.)

1. Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are heading in the right direction, or are they off on the wrong track?
—Right direction, 37 percent (36)
—Wrong track, 59 percent (59)
—Not sure, 4 percent (6)

2. Overall, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?
—Approve, 42 percent (42)
—Disapprove, 55 percent (56)
—Mixed feelings, 2 percent (1)
—Not sure, X percent (2)

3. And when it comes to handling the economy, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?
—Approve, 41 percent (42)
—Disapprove, 56 percent (56)
—Mixed feelings, 2 percent (2)
—Not sure, 1 percent (X)

4. And when it comes to domestic issues like health care, education and the environment, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?
—Approve, 37 percent (42)
—Disapprove, 60 percent (56)
—Mixed feelings, 2 percent (1)
—Not sure, 2 percent (1)

5. When it comes to handling foreign policy issues and the war on terrorism, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?
—Approve, 47 percent (51)
—Disapprove, 51 percent (48)
—Mixed feelings, 1 percent (2)
—Not sure, X percent (X)

6. When it comes to handling the situation in Iraq, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?
—Approve, 38 percent (40)
—Disapprove, 59 percent (59)
—Mixed feelings, 2 percent (1)
—Not sure, 1 percent (X)

7. When it comes to Social Security, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?
—Approve, 33 percent (35)
—Disapprove, 63 percent (61)
—Mixed feelings, 2 percent (2)
—Not sure, 1 percent (1)

8. Overall, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way Congress is handling its job?
—Approve, 33 percent (35)
—Disapprove, 62 percent (60)
—Mixed feelings, 3 percent (4)
—Not sure, 2 percent (1)

9. Now I'm going to read you some words that might be used to describe a person. As I read each word, please tell me whether you think the word describes George W. Bush or not?
August 2005: Yes, 63 percent; No, 36 percent; Not sure, 1 percent
January 2005: Yes, 66 percent; No, 33 percent; Not sure, 1 percent

August 2005: Yes, 48 percent; No, 50 percent; Not sure, 2 percent
January 2005: Yes, 53 percent; No. 45 percent; Not sure, 2 percent

August 2005: Yes, 64 percent; No, 35 percent; Not sure, 1 percent
January 2005: Yes, 65 percent; No, 34 percent; Not sure, 1 percent

August 2005: Yes, 56 percent; No, 43 percent; Not sure, 1 percent
January 2005: Yes, 62 percent; No, 37 percent; 1 percent

August 2005: Yes, 56 percent; No, 43 percent; Not sure, 1 percent
January 2005: Yes, 49 percent; No, 50 percent; Not sure, 1 percent

August 2005: Yes, 55 percent; No, 43 percent; Not sure, 2 percent
January 2005: Yes, 57 percent; No, 42 percent; Not sure, 1 percent

The last one is the most telling. People who think he is honest dropped to below 50% (48), and those that think he is arrogant has jumpped to 56%.

Do ya think the President still thinks he has any political capital in the bank? Sure he does, and there is 56% of the people that would agree that he thinks he does. But in the reality based world, he doesn't have a plugged nickles worth left!


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