Sunday, August 29, 2004


Pollster John Zogby's survey of battleground states taken last week as the Swift Boat controversy raged shows no fundamental change in the race. "It's running its course, and it may boomerang," he says of the attack on Kerry's heroism. The fact that the sleeper network has gone nuclear is evidence of Bush's weakness, not his strength, says Zogby. "If [the Bush team] weren't seeing serious damage, they wouldn't be hitting so hard so early. The president is on the ropes; there's no other way of looking at it."
Historically, negative campaigning works, but that may not be the case this year. Kerry has taken the high road, BushCo has taken the only road they can. The alternative is talking about the issues, and the last four years. Neither of which would keep him in the White House.


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