Scores from the evening:
1. 88.963 Buccaneers
2. 86.863 Hurricanes
3. 85.925 MN Brass Inc
4. 85.050 Caballeros
5. 83.850 Empire Statesmen
6. 78.150 Bushwackers
And the reviews are in:
Minnesota Brass Inc. (54B/23D/10P/23CG) took to the field with their program "Nocturne." They feature several tasty small ensemble solos throughout the show. Their first big hit was welcomed by the crowd. "My Immortal" was a unique treatment that sets them aside from the other corps who have played it. The drum line was as good (if not better) than they've ever been. The color guard performed very well and was well integrated into the overall visual program. This is the strongest brass line they've ever had from top-to-bottom. What stands out this year is the visual program. Much more velocity and precision. Also the use of simultaneous responsibility and body movement should help them reach the top.And then this same reviewer shares how HE thought the corps should have finished:
Here's how I scored the corps:This was the first time the DCA judges had seen us all year, and that, in itself creates, adjudicating challenges. But in reality, the scores and numbers are for the crowd. We just want to be the best we can be for the love of the activity. Hopefully that means a top 3 finish, but as long as we lay down the best product we possibly can, numbers don't really mean anything.
1. MN Brass Inc 92.238
1. Buccaneers 92.238
3. Caballeros 88.900
4. Hurricanes 87.688
5. Empire Statesmen 85.500
6. Bushwackers 74.725
Drum Major - Bush
Color Guard - Bush
Honor Guard - Hurcs
Visual - Bucs
Perc - Bucs & MBI (tie)
Brass - MBI
Why? Bucs perform like robots. Albeit very talented robots, but there is a lack of emotion in an emotionally overwhelming book. In Wildwood I could feel passion. Last night I felt nothing. Minnesota Brass has it all over them in that department. Hurricanes were alot of fun to watch, but their hornline lacks control from over-performing, much in the same way Cabs drumline does. And no, I didn't feel Hurcs had the best guard of the evening. Bucs guard was SOLID. And Bush performed the hell out of their show. Minnesota's guard was highly underrated as well. In truth, I thought the Hurcs guard had a slightly off night. Things weren't as crisp as usual. I mean no disrespect to anyone, and sorry if your feelings are hurt, but I have to call 'em like I see 'em.

And then there was the proud Daddy moment of the weekend where I got a quick shot of me with my two youngest boys who were along for the trip to be in the honor guard. They weren't a big fan of the long bus ride (23 1/2 hours out and about 20 hours back), but both said they would do it again. In two weeks we are off to Milwaukee, but that will be a driving trip and a bit more mobility available.
Rehearsal on Wednesday, and an off weekend coming up. It will give me a chance to catch up on the Health Care debate, and other political issues that have taken a back seat over the past week.
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