Wednesday, August 09, 2006

AG Candidate Luther Targets High Gas Prices

Bill shows he is a true advocate for the people:
With gas prices in Minnesota reaching an all-time high, Minnesota Attorney General candidate Bill Luther served notice that he will not tolerate oil companies gouging Minnesota consumers, farmers and businesses at the pump. The former Congressman called for experienced leadership in tackling this crisis.

“In the first half of this year, oil companies made excessive profits during a time when there was relative stability in market distribution and oil supply,” said Luther. “Oil companies have shown they do not care about the pain Minnesota’s families feel in their pocketbooks. They’ve shown they only care about consolidating power and posting record profits.”
Read the complete release here.

If anyone had any doubts whether Bill was going to make a serious run, you can cast aside those aspersions. Bill is in this to win, and I suspect he will!!


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