The Hamline Library has become a God send to those of us parents who know our children have a safe and secure environment to be when they are out and about. It is where my kids have gone after school almost every day. A place to do homework, Internet, and meet up with friends. From their about page:
Recent census figures indicate that Hamline Midway is becoming increasingly diverse, particularly in the African American population, while retaining many longtime households.It doesn't look like the strong neighborhood support will be enough.
The library maintains strong neighborhood support through enduring ties with the neighborhood coalition, it’s own Friends group and by serving on the Hamline Midway Youth Collaborative and other neighborhood concerns.
Now, this may come across as a NIMBY thing, but not only are they taking my kids Library away, they are also effecting they closest Rec Center
Hahm proposed closing three rec centers: Sylvan, Prosperity and Front. At three others — Baker, Griggs and Margaret — the city would pull out with hopes of finding neighborhood groups or nonprofits to take over the centers with their own programs, much like what was done when several rec centers closed in 2006.So close the Library and turn your back on the Rec Center. What are the kids to do now, besides get into teen aged mischief.
This is painful, and not only because it is effect me, and my children personally, but it is a sign of the degradation of our lifestyle, and the damage the current economic strife has wrought.
Maybe this isn't a done deal, we'll find out more on March 3rd when our City Councilman presents more information at a conversation (via E-Mail):
Please join me for a conversation with your neighbors and fellow Ward 4 residents in a conversation about the status of the City and its neighborhoods. Tough times are upon the City of Saint Paul, leaving my colleagues and me with the challenge of making responsible, difficult budget decisions. Please join the discussion to lend your knowledge and creativity to the task of sustaining the City's livability despite the challenges we face.I'm hoping to be there.
Tuesday, March 3, 6:30-8:30pm at Goodwill Easter Seals (553 Fairview Ave N)-- enter off the corner of Fairview and Charles. (Goodwill/Easter Seals is conveniently located on bus lines 16, 50, and 67. www.metrotransit.org If you're driving, there is on-street parking and a lot across Charles from the building.)
I know City staff read these pages. I'd like to hear from them, via comments or E-Mail as to whether these are done deal cuts, or what we as community members can do to preserve the legacies that are established in our neighborhoods for almost 80 years!
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