As noted, I was a pretty busy guy on Friday. When we arrived at our line up spot, the first thing I needed to do was check our line-up number. I noticed this blue gas guzzling SUV parked on the corner, and as I got closer, it turned out to be Dick Day's campaign vehicle. Now, of all the modes of transportation he could have chosen to get around Southern MN, I would have at least went hybrid SUV, or something more consistent with the current state of the economy, but apparently not Out of Touch Dick.

When I found out what our parade number was, I was a bit frustrated. The DFL float was #14, we were #22. That wasn't so bad until I found out the AFSCME float full of union members was 20, to Dick Day's 21. How convenient for him to be sandwiched between a labor Union float and a patriotic music group playing "Grand Old Flag". Fortunately, as Drum Major, I got to pick what the corps plays. We did our fair share of Grand Old Flag, but found it much more fitting to play our other tune, which seemed much more appropriate. It is called 'Sit on My Face" *laughing*

After Petertown, it was off to Apple Valley where we are the final unit in the parade. We raced to get there in time, and as is typical for any Drum Corps performance it was a lot of 'hurry up and wait'. Nothing eventful during this performance, just a lot of people, enjoying the revelry and appreciating our countries independence.
I hope your weekend was as great as mine. More blog fodder as the week progresses. I notice both candidates will be discussing the economy, maybe we will too!
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